Make the web playable

We make web game dev faster because, well, we love to.


Best option for getting started & for your next project.

Free(for non-commercial use)
  • 'create-multiplayer-game' CLI tool
  • NextJS, Vite, React free game templates
  • Multiplayer with PlayroomKit
Get started

Premium (Licensed)

Extended features & support. For commercial use.

$199one-time, unlimited
  • Extended CLI tools with updates synced
  • 'game-ui' UI component library to help you build interfaces faster
  • Build unlimited games with NextJS, Vite, React Premium game templates
  • AI integration: OpenAI GPT-3.5, Omni
  • Analytics engines: PostHog, MixPanel
  • Chrome DevTools for debugging game states
Get Pro


Want help, or want us to build for you? We've got a team.

  • Everything in Community
  • Everything in Premium (Licensed)
  • Game Design
  • Game Art production with AI
  • Game Development
  • Enterprise support: 24/7
  • AI integration: OpenAI GPT-3.5, Omni, DreamBooth
  • Custom game templates
  • Consultation for game development
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